sea lions

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toxic algae sea lion aggression
Photo by Joss Woodhead on Unsplash

California algae bloom is making sea lions aggressive, researchers say

Hundreds of aggravated sea lions have emerged on Southern California beaches after consuming toxic algae, researchers say.
California sea lion deaths linked to toxic synthetic chemicals

Mysterious California sea lion deaths linked to toxic synthetic chemicals

Scientists say animals with higher levels of DDT, PCBs and others in their blubber are more prone to cancer triggered by herpes.

climate ocean blog global warming

Ocean heat waves are directly linked to climate change

Six years ago, a huge part of the Pacific Ocean near North America quickly warmed, reaching temperatures more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. Nicknamed "the blob," it persisted for two years, with devastating impacts on marine life, including sea lions and salmon.

climate impacts sea lion sickness

An annual sea lion sickness is linked to climate change

Climate change and warming waters contribute to more algal blooms and consequently more sick sea lions.

Canadian sea lion research station faces uncertain future

Canadian sea lion research station faces uncertain future

Sitka has brown, bulbous eyes, slippery skin and breath that makes you want to pass the next time you’re out for sushi. At roughly 230 kg (500 lb.), she’s the biggest of the four Steller sea . . .
As seas warm, Galápagos Islands face a giant evolutionary test

As seas warm, Galápagos Islands face a giant evolutionary test

Climate change is ravaging the natural laboratory that inspired Darwin. The creatures here are on the brink of crisis.