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U.S. Steel Pennsylvania pollution
Protest sign that says Keep the frack out of my water
ANWR energy development debate
Degrowth's challenge lies in overcoming political and global resistance
Saving vital marshlands along Intracoastal Waterway

Saving vital marshlands along Intracoastal Waterway

Researchers hope that using dredged sediment can both restore marshes and maintain the East Coast’s marine highway.

Mac Carey reports for Undark Magazine.

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dc street
Omri D. Cohen/Unsplash

Rain gardens are on the rise in cities, and for good reason

The city’s sewer system, which combines storm runoff and raw sewage in some areas, has a history of overflowing. Instead of flowing into a treatment plant, that toxic mix, along with the sediment, trash and other pollutants storm water washes off streets, ends up in rivers.

arctic lakes climate causes

From carbon sink to source: the stark changes in Arctic lakes

For millennia, lakes in Greenland’s dry tundra have locked up huge loads of carbon in their sediment. But as the Arctic becomes warmer and wetter, scientists believe these lakes could become sources of carbon, which would have important consequences for the world’s climate.
river mouth clouds dunes
Photo by Joshua Leong on Unsplash

The oceans are missing their rivers

For billions of years, rivers connected continents to the sea. Then we came along.
lake auburn maine climate
Photo by Cate Bligh on Unsplash

Climate change is worsening the water quality issues at the center of a dispute over Lake Auburn

Climate change has been contributing to worsening water quality in Lake Auburn, as winter ice cover diminishes, and water temperatures are rising, giving algae more time to grow. And more extreme storm events can dump sediment and runoff which further degrade water quality.
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The world’s dams are filling up — but not with water

Accumulating sediment in reservoirs is affecting how much water dams can hold back to supply water for drinking, irrigation and flood control.
hartmut schulz climate sediment

Searching the ocean for secrets to help fight climate change

By sampling prehistoric sediments in the ocean floor, geologist Hartmut Schulz hopes to identify ancient analogues of today’s warming world.