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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
north atlantic right whale climate

North Atlantic right whales may be in Cape Cod Bay for a longer time because of climate change

North Atlantic right whales’ habits in Cape Cod Bay have shifted significantly over the past 20 years, as the critically endangered population spends more time in the bay because of climate change, according to new research.

climate impacts tiger shark

Climate change is about to change everything we knew about tiger sharks

Globally, marine animal distributions are shifting in response to a changing climate.

tiger sharks climate impacts biodiversity

Surprising study finds sharks are key to restoring damaged habitats, fighting climate change

Following a major heat wave that damaged the seagrass meadows of Shark Bay, Australia, researchers modeled how a lack of tiger sharks would affect the ecosystem.

sharks extinction water coral reefs climate

Sharks 'functionally extinct' at 20% of world's coral reefs as fishing drives global decline

Destructive and unsustainable fishing has caused a crash in shark numbers across many of the world's coral reefs, upsetting the ecological balance of the critical marine ecosystems, a major study has found.

climate impacts sharks ocean water ecosystems

Climate change is already impacting sharks

Scientists have identified that climate change is altering the bull shark distribution along the east coast of Australia.