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extreme heat & vulnerable populations
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Toxic coal ash complicates Chapel Hill redevelopment plans
Shell pauses Rotterdam biodiesel plant construction

Shell pauses Rotterdam biodiesel plant construction

Shell has halted construction on a major biofuel plant in Rotterdam, citing technical difficulties as the reason for the delay.

Jillian Ambrose reports for The Guardian.

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Shell CEO supports Biden's climate initiatives

Shell CEO supports Biden's climate initiatives

The head of Shell praised President Biden’s climate policies for promoting job creation and local supply chains.

Corbin Hiar reports for POLITICO.

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Shell scales back its climate goals amid business growth

Shell scales back its climate goals amid business growth

In a strategic pivot, Shell aims for a modest reduction in emissions by 2030, facing criticism for prioritizing expansion over environmental commitments.

Jillian Ambrose reports for The Guardian.

In short:

  • Shell adjusts its carbon emissions reduction target to 15-20% by 2030, down from an initial 20%.
  • The company plans to expand its liquified natural gas operations and maintain current oil production levels.
  • Critics denounce the move as a step back for climate action, highlighting Shell's focus on profit over planet health.

Key quote:

This "retrograde step" shows once again that Shell has "no interest in acting for the climate."

— Agathe Masson, campaign group Reclaim Finance

Why this matters:

Shell's decision reflects a broader tension in the energy sector between economic growth and environmental stewardship. With the climate crisis looming, the strategies of major energy firms have significant implications for global efforts to combat climate change, affecting health and sustainability initiatives worldwide.

Faulty economic studies misled Pennsylvania lawmakers on petrochemicals. Who funded the studies? Shell.

Shell's exit from the Niger Delta raises environmental accountability concerns

Shell's exit from the Niger Delta raises environmental accountability concerns

A report demands Shell address its extensive pollution legacy and safely decommission its abandoned oil infrastructure in the Niger Delta before exiting the region.

Sandra Laville reports for The Guardian.

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shell oil

Shell's new venture raises eyebrows with its climate tech façade

Shell has unveiled Onward, a startup it claims will propel the energy sector toward a greener future. However, critics argue it's a clever disguise for continuing oil and gas operations.

Molly Taft reports for The Guardian in partnership with Drilled.

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Shell faces shareholder rebellion over climate activist resolution
Photo by Ma Ti on Unsplash

Shell faces shareholder rebellion over climate activist resolution

Shell’s board faces a shareholder rebellion as large investors including the UK’s biggest pension scheme prepare to back a climate activist resolution.

petrochemical facility
Photo by PilMo Kang on Unsplash

Fallow days loom for petrochemical firms

Years of healthy growth are yielding to slowing demand and a capacity overhang.