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Hurricane Helene climate change
Congress passed funding bill without disaster aid despite looming hurricane
Alaska Native community moves to escape climate-driven permafrost loss
Hilton, Marriott and Chipotle fund climate opposition despite public green goals
Henrik Stiesdal wind turbine design
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Copyright: vschlichting

Danish wind pioneer keeps battling climate change

Henrik Stiesdal helped design the first modern wind turbines. A thousand patents later, he’s a green tech entrepreneur rolling out new innovations.
wind energy europe china

Europe’s wind industry is stumbling when it’s needed most

Makers of wind turbines are reporting mounting losses, and fret about losing out to rivals from China, as countries chase ambitious clean energy targets.
A monster wind turbine is upending an industry

A monster wind turbine is upending an industry

G.E.’s giant machine, which can light up a small town, is stoking a renewable-energy arms race.