snow droughts

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sketchy snowpack the new normal?

Is this winter’s sketchy snowpack the new normal?

Volatile weather has created dangerous conditions for backcountry skiers and set up the West for a bad water year. With climate change exacerbating the situation, it's time to start assuming the worst for our winters and making plans to adapt.

The western United States is a hotspot for snow droughts

The western United States is a hotspot for snow droughts

A new study compares snowpack across the world and offers a tool to help scientists pinpoint where this critical resource is waning — and what that means for ecosystems and economies.
‘Snow droughts’ will soon become more common in the western US

‘Snow droughts’ will soon become more common in the western US

By the middle of the century, two or more bad snow years in a row in mountains from Colorado to California will likely be the norm.