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Congress passed funding bill without disaster aid despite looming hurricane
Alaska Native community moves to escape climate-driven permafrost loss
Hilton, Marriott and Chipotle fund climate opposition despite public green goals
CNX’s controversial fracking study sparks debate in Pennsylvania
climate impacts farming

Innovation, pastoralism and climate change in Africa’s drylands

The dryland areas of East and West Africa are uniquely populated by pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities who have adapted over millennia to use the specific features of drylands to their best advantage.

solar lighting energy climate

Solar lights the way towards sustainability

While global access to electricity has been rising, there are still 940 million people off the grid; solar technology can help more people access cheap, portable, and clean power to alleviate poverty and increase quality of life.

Communities claim water rights to build resilience in Bangladesh

Communities claim water rights to build resilience in Bangladesh

Sponsored content: By helping to return control of public water resources to local communities, a coalition promotes climate justice