stateimpact pennsylvania

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wind turbines lined up in a green field
Palm trees bending in the wind
Coal power plant with emissions rising from towers
Liquid Natural Gas tanker
Tom Wolf signs $2 billion tax package that encourages natural gas production in Pa.

Tom Wolf signs $2 billion tax package that encourages natural gas production in Pa.

Gov. Tom Wolf has signed a $2 billion tax credit package for the hydrogen production, milk processing, and biomedical research industries into law, capping months of quiet negotiations between the Democrat and top Republicans in the General Assembly.

Pa. communities seek solutions to increased flooding risks often caused by climate change

Pa. communities seek solutions to increased flooding risks often caused by climate change

Climate change is expected to make Pennsylvania warmer and wetter, with rain falling in more intense bursts. Because of that, floodwaters are now showing up outside those flood zones designated by the federal government.

Gov. Wolf vetoes bid to block all-electric building codes in Pennsylvania

Gov. Wolf vetoes bid to block all-electric building codes in Pennsylvania

The Democratic governor said the legislation takes away “local decision-making” from municipalities that are looking to address climate change.
Poll: 75% of Pennsylvanians accept evidence of climate change

Poll: 75% of Pennsylvanians accept evidence of climate change

A new statewide poll shows three quarters of Pennsylvanians accept that global warming is happening.

House environmental chair says he won’t run for reelection

House environmental chair says he won’t run for reelection

Rep. Daryl Metcalfe has boosted fossil fuels and denied climate change.

Pitt study: World plastics trade accounts for 350M metric tons of CO2

Pitt study: World plastics trade accounts for 350M metric tons of CO2

Plastic traded between countries has the carbon footprint of a mid-sized European country. By 2050, it will account for 15% of the world's greenhouse gases.
Gov. Wolf’s carbon-pricing plan stalled by legal disagreement

Gov. Wolf’s carbon-pricing plan stalled by legal disagreement

The Wolf administration says the regulation to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative should be published now; the Republican-led legislature says it has ‘many months’ to review the rule.