stormwater runoff

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Computer screen with  line graphs monitoring stock market activity.
Helicopter dropping water onto active fire.
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climate-adaptive rooftops
Credit: Christopher Porter/Flickr

A new approach to rainwater management: Amsterdam's blue-green roofs

Amsterdam is leading a global trend in smart, climate-adaptive rooftops that capture rainwater to reduce flooding and provide water for residents.

Matt Simon reports for Wired.

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lahaina maui wildfires water pollution
Credit: State Farm/Flickr

Heavy rain washed fire-related contaminants into the ocean off Lahaina. How bad is it?

A massive brown plume has scientists worried despite protective measures aimed at preventing toxic runoff.
Western plastic waste dumped in Myanmar

'License to hide': Western plastic waste dumped in Myanmar

For years, sites across Shwepyithar township have been filling up with trash that chokes fields, blocks the drainage of rains and causes fire risks.
solar power’s stormwater footprint

Chesapeake experts focus on solar power’s stormwater footprint

Rain dripping off solar panels can produce a unique type of runoff — one the scientific community is playing catch-up to quantify as the solar industry rapidly expands its footprint. Whitney Pipkin reports for the Chesapeake Bay Journal.
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solar power’s stormwater footprint

Chesapeake experts focus on solar power’s stormwater footprint

Rain dripping off solar panels can produce a unique type of runoff — one the scientific community is playing catch-up to quantify as the solar industry rapidly expands its footprint.

Microplastics plague Pennsylvania waterways

Microplastics, tiny pollutants plague Pennsylvania rivers, streams

According to a new report by the activist and research group PennEnvironment, tests for the presence of microplastics conducted in 50 of some of the cleanest streams and waterways throughout the commonwealth found the pollutants present in every single one.
Utility Scale Solar in Spotsylvania County, VA

Protecting the water while harvesting sunshine

Researchers say stormwater from solar fields needs careful management.