strip malls

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empty strip mall commercial land environment housing

Converting idle commercial land would ease state’s housing and climate crises

Assembly Bill 2011 would streamline approvals to convert empty strip malls, office parks and parking lots into affordable and mixed-income housing, concentrating development in order to build resilient communities and protect our planet.
How ailing strip malls could be a green fix for U.S. housing crisis

How ailing strip malls could be a green fix for U.S. housing crisis

Urban designer Peter Calthorpe has a plan for shuttered and financially troubled strip malls that dot the suburban landscape: Convert malls into housing that would be part of green communities where people could be closer to work and ditch their cars.

What if we put housing on top of strip malls outside cities?

What if we put housing on top of strip malls outside cities?

There’s a lot of space for apartments above the commercial real estate on main suburban streets.