sustainable development goals

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Possible linkage between global warming and drug resistance: Two imminent threats to public health

The pledge taken by the 194 Member States of the United Nations, which also includes India, to act meaningfully towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is undeniably incredible.
factory farming climate

Philip J Lymbery: Factory farming must end if the world is to tackle climate change

Without an end to factory farming, and a move to less and better meat consumption, the world cannot realise the Sustainable Development Goals nor the Paris Climate Change targets.

More work needed to meet global water goal, UN report says

More work needed to meet global water goal, UN report says

National governments are not on track to meet globally recognized goals to provide universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation by 2030.
Pushpam Kumar: Nature is telling us it’s time to build our economy around inclusive wealth

Pushpam Kumar: Nature is telling us it’s time to build our economy around inclusive wealth

GDP per capita is an inadequate measure of well-being. Now, more than ever, we need to use the Inclusive Wealth Index to do the task.

artificial intelligence climate humans

Will AI save us from ourselves?

Humans are wired to deal with immediate threats like that what's that moving in the bushes. However, for long-term threats like climate change, people suffer from cognitive biases that often make us discount the extent of the threat or turn us into bystanders as we wait for someone else to deal with the problem.

Vigdis Vandvik, Alicia Donnellan, Inger Elisabeth Maren: Here’s how 2020 can be a true “super year” for biodiversity

Vigdis Vandvik, Alicia Donnellan, Inger Elisabeth Maren: Here’s how 2020 can be a true “super year” for biodiversity

Seven ways researchers and policymakers can make the start of this new decade a turning point for protecting the future of life on Earth.