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Two scientists in lab coats look at a computer screen displaying a colorful image from a molecular microscope.
A group of young, diverse scientists work in a laboratory.
Fire department personnel wearing protective gear walk along a street with the burned rubble of former homes.
Looking down on a city in the desert with mountains in the background.
florida pollution methane biogas opinion
Photo by Julia Koblitz on Unsplash

Brandon D. Shuler: Here’s how Florida can turn polluting methane into biogas energy

Converting Florida’s beleaguered wastewater infrastructure into methane-capturing, nutrient-reducing, water-recycling advanced wastewater treatment machines makes sense for Florida.

manasota key burial hurricane climate

Ancient, offshore Florida burial ground endured Hurricane Ian, researchers say

Though divers have not visited the Manasota Key Offshore archaeological site, state scientists believe the 7,000-plus-year-old burial ground in 21 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico was not adversely impacted by Hurricane Ian.

tampa energy climate

Tampa Bay mayors say transportation key to climate change plans

Four Tampa Bay mayors were asked Wednesday to explain how the region should respond to climate change. They all talked about transportation.

plastic straw climate Peter Kageyama

Peter Kageyama: This is the straw that could help break the cycle of climate change

One small action - such as banning plastic straws - repeated over and over can help solve global problems.

climate impacts workers labor
Photo by John Kakuk on Unsplash

Climate change will make heat even deadlier for outdoor workers, study says

Florida’s 2 million outdoor workers — more than 20 percent of its workforce — will be at greater risk of losing their lives and $8.4 billion in total annual earnings.
climate impacts insurance flooding

Study finds that Floridans are underpaying for flood insurance

A new study shows the National Flood Insurance Program undercharges owners, making it cheaper and easier for people to live in dangerous places.
climate greenland ice

Tampa scientist explores Greenland ice holes, with eye on climate change

Using ropes, researchers explore chambers hundreds of feet below the surface of the Greenland ice sheet.