tax breaks

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induction stove electric energy
Image by Luisa Kittner from Pixabay

The Portlanders going electric

Induction stoves? Tax breaks? Local groups are demystifying the whys and hows of home decarbonization.
climate energy texas tax breaks

Texas oil and gas producers want their tax break back

With the March 10 deadline for new bills in the Texas Legislature fast approaching, pressure is mounting to come up with a replacement for Chapter 313, a recently expired program that helped oil and gas companies, chip manufacturers and other industries secure billions in tax abatements through local school districts.

'It's grotesque': Inside the Hill methane fight

'It's grotesque': Inside the Hill methane fight

Progressives set out to write a reconciliation bill that would scrap special tax treatment for fossil fuel companies. Instead, they might hand the oil and gas industry a new subsidy.

fossil fuels energy build back better bill
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Fossil fuel companies stand to make billions from tax break in Democrats’ Build Back Better Bill

The legislation would increase tax breaks for carbon capture and carbon removal by 70 percent, potentially yielding payouts large enough to wipe out some companies’ income tax bills.

sea level rise climate impacts florida politics

Sea level rise tax break gets senate backing

With less than three weeks left in the legislative session, a key Senate panel supported providing a tax break to property owners who elevate homes to address potential flooding, part of a House plan to combat rising sea levels.

Senate prepares to vote on big energy bill this week

Senate prepares to vote on big energy bill this week

But many environmentalists say it doesn't go far enough to curb climate change.
Trans Mountain deal was structured to bleed billions, finds economist

Trans Mountain deal was structured to bleed billions, finds economist

Robyn Allan dug into the megaproject's economics and says it's already losing money.