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Trump stands at a podium with a clenched fist and an american flag in background.
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amazon deforestation biodiversity climate

Scientists launch ambitious conservation project to save the Amazon

The new Science Panel for the Amazon - modeled on the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - aims to consolidate knowledge on the Amazon rainforest and guide future public policies to conserve it.

New initiative aims to jump-start stalled drive toward zero deforestation

New initiative aims to jump-start stalled drive toward zero deforestation

Over the past decade there has been a rise in corporate zero-deforestation commitments, but very few companies have shown progress in meeting their goals of reducing deforestation in their supply chains by 2020.

Video: Cerrado farmer shot amid escalating conflict with agribusiness

Video: Cerrado farmer shot amid escalating conflict with agribusiness

Long simmering land disputes between traditional communities and large-scale agribusiness in Brazil's Cerrado savanna biome appear to be intensifying.

Amazon at risk: Brazil plans rapid road and rail infrastructure expansion

Amazon at risk: Brazil plans rapid road and rail infrastructure expansion

Newly appointed Minister of Infrastructure Tarcísio Freitas is resolved to build new Amazon roads and railroads, but expresses limited patience for environmental or indigenous concerns.
‘Predatory agribusiness’ likely to gain more power in Brazil election: report

‘Predatory agribusiness’ likely to gain more power in Brazil election: report

Two-thirds of federal deputies seeking re-election to Brazil’s Congress this October supported bills harmful to the environment, indigenous peoples, and rural workers.
Peru: A decade-long quest to protect the world’s largest tropical glacier

Peru: A decade-long quest to protect the world’s largest tropical glacier

The Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru's Canchis province is the world's largest tropical glacier, but it has been melting steadily - a harbinger of climate change.