tropical deforestation

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climate deforestation tropical
Photo by Justus Menke on Unsplash

Why deforestation means less rain in tropical forests

A new study finds deforestation reduces rainfall in tropical rainforests, which has grave consequences for agriculture, drought and climate resilience.
Amazon tropical forest fires

As the Amazon burns, only the weather can ward off a catastrophe, experts say

The Brazilian Amazon saw the highest number of fires for the month of June in 15 years, with 2,562 major fires detected, an increase of 11.14% over 2021.

Jennifer Devine: Organized crime is a top driver of global deforestation

Jennifer Devine: Organized crime is a top driver of global deforestation

More than 100 world leaders have pledged to end the destruction of forests by 2030 as a way to slow climate change. That will require changing how the world produces four widely used commodities.
Monitoring tropical deforestation by high-resolution satellite

Monitoring tropical deforestation is now free and easy

Thanks to the rollout of free, high-resolution satellite imagery, the job of monitoring deforestation in tropical forests just got a lot easier.

saving  world's tropical forests

UN’s grand plan to save forests hasn’t worked, but some still believe it can

The world's tropical forests are in serious trouble, with deforestation worsening and the sixth mass extinction accelerating faster than scientists previously thought.

biodiversity scientist has covid-19 near-death

Etelle Higonnet: As a campaigner against deforestation, almost dying of COVID-19 was ironic

Etelle Higonnet has worked for years to reform the palm oil, rubber, soy, and cocoa industries, which are heavily involved in tropical deforestation.

“The forest is sick and losing its carbon-sequestration capacity”

“The forest is sick and losing its carbon-sequestration capacity”

A researcher at the INPE Center of Land System Science, Antonio Donato Nobre, describes the state of degradation threatening the future of the Amazon rainforest in an exclusive interview with Mongabay.