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A national forest sign on a dirt road in the woods
A field full of solar panels in the midst of a farm with trees and buildings in the background on a partly cloudy day.
Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro speaks with the state flag and American flag behind him.
Ontario premier Doug Ford
climate permaculture drought water farming

Planet-friendly farming takes root in drought-hit Tunisia

Permaculture, as an alternative to industrial agriculture, aims to work in harmony with the environment, keep soil structures intact, and do without artificial inputs such as chemical fertilisers or pesticides.

tunisia drought climate impacts farming
Photo by Serge Krasnov on Unsplash

Tunisia drought threatens 'catastrophic' grain harvest

A severe drought in North Africa has left Tunisian farmers bracing for a catastrophically poor harvest, imperilling food security in the cash-strapped country.
tunisia solar panels

Shining example? Solar power boosts struggling Tunisian school

A solar-powered school in northern Tunisia shows how the country's lagging schools might be turned around - and renewables boosted.

tunisia schools energy solar

The school funding robotics classes by selling its own solar energy

In Tunisia, where education is underfunded, one school is flush with cash after covering itself in solar panels and selling the energy back to the grid.
tunisia fishing food water climate

Why are Tunisia’s beaches disappearing and what does it mean for the country?

Rising sea levels are causing Tunisia’s beaches to gradually disappear. This is making life hard for the country’s tourism and fishing industries.

drought & modernity's draw displaces Chenini residents
J Duval/Flickr

Tunisian cave village empties out in face of drought and modernity’s draw

For 1,000 years, homes dug into a desert cliff have sheltered olive farmers and sheep herders from summer heat and winter cold. But an exodus threatens its future. “We are left alone here.”
olive farms climate tunisia impacts
Photo by Attila Janosi on Unsplash

Olive farms run dry in Tunisia, climate change threatens water supplies

Olive farmers in Tunisia have been hit hard by climate change. Frequent droughts and insufficient rainfall have left their lands completely dry, their olive trees that one stood tall have now dried up.