typhoon goni

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‘Within seconds everything was gone': Devastating floods submerge the Philippines

‘Within seconds everything was gone': Devastating floods submerge the Philippines

Torrential rains and back-to-back typhoons have ripped through the country in the past two weeks, turning a once picturesque river into a sea of murky brown, killing dozens and setting off deadly landslides.
Typhoon Vamco leaves at least 14 dead, 14 missing in Philippines

Typhoon Vamco leaves at least 14 dead, 14 missing in Philippines

A typhoon swelled rivers and flooded low-lying areas as it passed over the storm-battered northeastern Philippines, leaving at least 13 people dead and 15 others missing, officials said Thursday.

A typhoon spared the Philippine capital. Will Manila be so lucky next time?

A typhoon spared the Philippine capital. Will Manila be so lucky next time?

With climate change heightening the Philippines’ risk of natural disaster, the country is braced for the next catastrophe.
Typhoon Goni: Philippines hit by year's most powerful storm

Typhoon Goni: Philippines hit by year's most powerful storm

Torrential rain and "catastrophic violent winds" are expected on the main island of Luzon on Sunday.