university of arizona
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash
Earth's temps today are 'unprecedented' in 24,000 years
A new effort to reconstruct Earth's temperature and climate since the last ice age, about 24,000 years ago, highlights the main drivers of climate change and how far out of bounds human activity has pushed the climate system.
3 reasons climate prompts some to not have kids
Overconsumption, overpopulation, and uncertainty about the future are top concerns of people who say climate change is affecting their decision whether or not to have children, a survey finds.
Photo by Michael Held on Unsplash
Fewer monsoons may make fighting wildfires harder
Winter rains can temper Arizona's wildfire season, but monsoon rains shut them down. Unfortunately, this monsoon season was the second-driest ever.
Is climate change driving migration from Central America?
You might have seen claims that climate change is driving migration out of Central America. Climate researchers urge caution about that narrative.
Get less stuff: 'Green buying' is still materialism
If you want to help fight climate change, "green buying" isn't the answer, say researchers. Instead, simply buy less.
Chronicles of the rings: What trees tell us
Studying the historical data stored in centuries-old trees is a burgeoning field, with labs around the world learning more about historical patterns of weather and climate and the effects on humans.
Climate change making Southwest hotter
The effects of climate change are tangible, according to University of Arizona professor Diana Liverman.