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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
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travel climate upheaval
Image by SplitShire from Pixabay

How to navigate the unpredictability of travel in the age of climate change

Climate change upheavals brought on a season of extremes for travelers in the U.S., Europe and beyond. One thing is clear: Travel is changing.

Trump’s top spy just contradicted the White House’s line on climate change

Trump’s top spy just contradicted the White House’s line on climate change

The director of national intelligence warned Congress that climate change could cause "upheaval" this year.
Climate change: A catalyst for conflict

Climate change: A catalyst for conflict

African ranchers seeking new pastures after traditional grazing lands have dried up are coming into conflict with farmers. In some areas, lands previously herded are being planted by farmers.