us election 2020

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trump climate politics

Trump’s denial of climate change represents worse threat to humanity than Hitler, says activist Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is not in the mood for holding back. The celebrated linguist and media critic watches the world approaching a US election whose outcome he believes could send the planet hurtling further towards environmental catastrophe.

climate politics election

Climate change major issue for US voters in battleground states

Climate change is a major issue for voters in the US presidential election this year. 58 per cent of Americans said they were either 'very concerned' or 'somewhat concerned' about climate change.

Trump and Biden: Little room for climate change in US election

Trump and Biden: Little room for climate change in US election

As the US faces wildfires and storms, climate change remains one of the most divisive topics among voters. Yet despite the high stakes, so far, it has played a minor role in the upcoming election.