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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
first date climate discussion
Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay

Mat Hutchison: Exploring climate change on first dates: Here's why I do it

I have discovered that talking about how global warming affects our lives serves as a litmus test to understand a person’s broader beliefs and behaviors. It reveals whether they perceive the world in black and white, how they view their role in their community, and their level of engagement with science and systemic inequalities.

federal policies biden nature
Photo by Tabrez Syed on Unsplash

4 things to know about Biden's plan to value nature

The White House told federal agencies Tuesday that they should consider how natural resources benefit the public before they approve projects or write regulations that could change them.

Todd Newman: Science elicits hope in Americans – its positive brand doesn't need to be partisan

Todd Newman: Science elicits hope in Americans – its positive brand doesn't need to be partisan

When you ask Americans what the word 'science' brings to mind, a majority respond 'hope.' Using this built-in brand can help communicate important science messages.