video games

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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
video-game energy efficiency politics
Jay Reed/Flickr

Why conservatives are accusing the Xbox of being ‘woke’

In a Fox News segment, commentators accused Xbox of being “woke” after the brand said it is rolling out a number of updates to improve the energy efficiency of the video-game consoles.
microsoft xbox energy

Microsoft's changes to Xbox console leave Republicans outraged

Microsoft has changed some settings on game consoles to make them more eco-friendly. Some Republicans say this means the "woke brigade" is after your Xbox.
gaming climate energy video games action

Can teaching gamers about climate change motivate them to taking action?

There are 3 billion people who regularly play games on their phones, computers, or consoles. Can they be reached with a pro-climate message?

City-building video game 'Floodland' takes on climate change

City-building video game 'Floodland' takes on climate change

In Floodland, players must rebuild society in a world drowned by global warming.
video game emissions climate

Video game companies take steps to tackle environmental issues

As calls to tackle climate change get increasingly urgent, the video game industry is looking for ways to tackle its environmental footprint and use games to engage.
Video games get serious about climate change

Video games get serious about climate change

From Sims Eco Lifestyle to Minecraft Climate City, environmental issues are becoming a popular theme in video games. But can the industry deliver on its own green message?
The 'Fortnite' Twitch streamers teaching Gen Z about climate change

The 'Fortnite' Twitch streamers teaching Gen Z about climate change

Hey, there are worse things to be learned from videogames.