wa news

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climate week NYC
Thwaites Glacier faces faster melting, could worsen sea level rise
Scientists warn of Earth's rapidly warming climate based on 485 million years of data
Court halts federal oil permits over incorrect groundwater data
Report says WA fracking would blow Australia's whole carbon budget

Report says WA fracking would blow Australia's whole carbon budget

Climate Analytics director Bill Hare said the new report showed carbon pollution from WA natural gas was an issue of international significance.
Report says WA fracking would blow Australia's whole carbon budget

Report says WA fracking would blow Australia's whole carbon budget

Climate Analytics director Bill Hare said the new report showed carbon pollution from WA natural gas was an issue of international significance.
Warming threat to sea turtles in WA’s north

Warming threat to sea turtles in WA’s north

Sea turtles in the north of the State face extinction if Pilbara beaches continue to heat up as a result of carbon pollution, the WA Conservation Council claims.

Climate impacts marine species: Crabs go from blue to mud

Climate impacts marine species: Crabs go from blue to mud

Perth anglers may soon be hauling in catches of mud crab as the climate continues to warm, according to a team of Murdoch University researchers.