waste exports

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joe biden
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Shaprio Pennsylvania carbon capture
fashion industry’s plastic waste
Federal bill seeks to make companies responsible for plastic waste

Federal bill seeks to make companies responsible for plastic waste

The legislation, to be introduced Tuesday, has little chance of becoming a law, but the effort shows the increased influence of environmental groups in taking on recycling issues.
Fields of waste: Artificial turf, touted as recycling fix for millions of scrap tires, becomes mounting disposal mess

Fields of waste: Artificial turf, touted as recycling fix for millions of scrap tires, becomes mounting disposal mess

With hundreds of fields reaching end of life each year, the artificial turf industry is under pressure to find a sustainable solution.
Cyber Monday and Black Friday flood the struggling recycling system with cardboard

Cyber Monday and Black Friday flood the struggling recycling system with cardboard

After China’s recycling ban, more cardboard could end up in landfills.
Should countries and cities generate energy by burning trash?

Should countries and cities generate energy by burning trash?

As the world's garbage piles up, controversy over waste-to-energy incineration continues.