watershed restoration
Lee Coursey/Flickr
Report: Agricultural investments for Chesapeake Bay cleanup spur economy
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation found every $1 spent on agricultural best management practices in the watershed returns $1.75 to the economy.
Province of British Columb/Flickr
When B.C. floods hit her farm, she found solutions in a river
An unlikely group from northwest B.C. is working together to restore the heavily impacted Upper Bulkley River to protect farmland from floods and bring balance back to a disrupted ecosystem.
Restoring salmon habitat could help B.C. flooding
Decisions to restrict the mighty Fraser River through extensive diking have had dire consequences for fish. Now B.C. has an opportunity to 'build back better' — but will it?
Why New York is unearthing a brook it buried a century ago
A plan to “daylight” Tibbetts Brook in the Bronx would be one of the city’s most ambitious green infrastructure improvements.
Wildfires threaten urban water supplies, long after the flames are out
After a forest burns, the resulting erosion can contaminate drinking water supplies for up to a decade.
N.C. towns advance water quality projects
Pavement that allows water to soak through to the ground below now covers 500 feet of a street in downtown Beaufort, part of a town effort to better manage stormwater.
B.C.’s most ambitious tree-planting season ever on the chopping block as coronavirus wreaks havoc
Industry rushes to come up with plan that will enable 5,000 tree planters to get to work planting 230 million seedlings, while respecting social distancing requirements