west nile

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west nile mosquitoes climate
Photo by Cameron Webb on Unsplash

Did climate change cause this year's early West Nile Virus outbreak?

Climate change is likely the culprit for mosquitoes arriving earlier, as warming temperatures were seen to impact diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in other places.
mosquito climate impacts biodiversity
Photo by Syed Ali on Unsplash

Climate change's peskiest threat - and what you can do about it

As climate change pushes temperatures higher, the viruses carried by the unofficial state bird are likely to proliferate faster, increasing its threat of infecting human beings with West Nile, Zika and dengue.

Public health depends on a healthy planet

Dominick A. DellaSala, William J. Ripple, Franz Baumann: Public health depends on a healthy planet

Zoonotic diseases like Covid-19 are a classic example of where ecosystems and human health intersect.
To stop diseases like West Nile, WSU scientists are feeding blood to mosquitoes

To stop diseases like West Nile, WSU scientists are feeding blood to mosquitoes

Mosquito-borne diseases like Zika and West Nile lack vaccines. But Washington scientists think insulin could weaken these diseases in mosquitoes before they reach people.
Diseases like West Nile, EEE and flesh-eating bacteria are flourishing due to climate change

Diseases like West Nile, EEE and flesh-eating bacteria are flourishing due to climate change

Climate change is altering the nation's environment and the microbes, viruses and insects that inhabit it, potentially increasing where diseases are.