western australian politics

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Leonard Leo’s group criticizes efforts to educate judges on climate issues
UN food agency criticized for not revising livestock emissions report
Nickel exploration ramps up in Michigan and Minnesota amid rising EV battery demand
Wildfires make it harder for forests to regrow as replanting faces major hurdles
offshore gasfields carbon emissions climate

WA’s offshore gasfields pay almost no royalties and stoke carbon emissions, report finds

Australia’s giant offshore gasfields are paying almost no royalties, create few jobs and are a large and rising source of greenhouse gases, according to a new report from the Australia Institute.

australia farming agriculture climate

‘Living climate change now’: How Australian farmers are trying to turn the tide

Agriculture is seen as a key culprit in rising emissions. Some on the land are aiming to lead by example, making their properties carbon neutral.

kalbarri australia renewable energy

'Enormous opportunity': How Australia could become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy

Kalbarri is the proposed site for a massive 5,000-megawatt renewable hydrogen export operation. Although construction is still 10 years away from breaking ground, should it go ahead, the project will put the tiny town at the bleeding edge of a pioneering technological development in renewable energy.

PM and states at odds as report calls for cooperation on population growth

PM and states at odds as report calls for cooperation on population growth

Australia needs a new partnership between all tiers of government to plan for population growth, with its largest cities currently growing at a rate not seen for more than 50 years, according to Infrastructure Australia.

It's only natural: the push to give rivers, mountains and forests legal rights

It's only natural: the push to give rivers, mountains and forests legal rights

It seems logical to grant protection to nature by treating it as a living entity. And the law might be catching up.