wild bees

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wild bees climate impacts
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Wild bees are rapidly shrinking due to global warming

Bees in a well-preserved Spanish wilderness weigh less than they did decades ago, possibly because rising temperatures are affecting their development and food.

urban beekeeping won't help save bees

Why urban beekeeping won't help save bees

The explosion of urban beekeeping may be hurting wild bees.
wild bees climate impacts biodiversity

Threatened wild bees get help from Washington researchers

Few creatures exist closer to the front lines of climate change than wild, native bees. And few are more important, or as irreplaceable.

wild pollinators in peril
rwarrin/ Flickr

Do we still need to save the bees?

Pollinators are in trouble, but be careful about which bee you mean.
blueberries climate impacts
Photo by Alex Ushakoff on Unsplash

Climate change threatens wild bees that blueberries need

Extreme weather tied to climate change poses a greater threat than insecticides to the wild bee populations that are essential to Michigan blueberry growers, a recent study says.
Pollinators could win when infrastructure bill passes

Pollinators could win when infrastructure bill passes

Bees, butterflies, and other insects are abundant in areas along the nation’s highways. The $1.2 trillion federal bill would make the nation’s highways pollinator-friendly.
Climate change poses menace to wild bees

Climate change poses menace to wild bees

With many wild bee species only able to survive within specific temperature ranges, global warming has placed the global bee population in peril.