wind power

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food waste
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Top Mississippi Republicans support new EV battery plant despite Trump’s criticism
Large corporations successfully block shareholder climate proposals
US southwestern tribes seek UN support as green energy project advances on their lands

US southwestern tribes seek UN support as green energy project advances on their lands

Tribes in southwestern Arizona are reaching out to the United Nations for assistance after a U.S. court allowed a major green energy project to proceed through Indigenous lands.

Taylar Dawn Stagner reports for Grist.

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wind turbine

Trump's return could severely impact Biden's wind power initiatives

A potential Trump presidency poses a significant threat to the progress of the offshore wind industry and clean energy transition.

Josh Siegel reports for POLITICO.

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offshore wind biden climate
Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

Stalled coastal wind power projects imperil Biden’s climate agenda

A grim financial outlook for the country’s offshore wind power industry is threatening President Joe Biden’s most important energy plans.

internment camp idaho wind energy
Image by Dave Horalek from Pixabay

‘Memorial to all who suffered’: survivors protest wind farm near Japanese American incarceration site

About 13,000 people were held at the Minidoka camp during the second world war. Now, a green energy project threatens the ‘sacred’ place.

Henrik Stiesdal wind turbine design
BigStock Photo ID: 473517773
Copyright: vschlichting

Danish wind pioneer keeps battling climate change

Henrik Stiesdal helped design the first modern wind turbines. A thousand patents later, he’s a green tech entrepreneur rolling out new innovations.
climate decarbonization board game

It’s Earth Day. Let the climate games begin.

A board game challenges players to decarbonize New York City, and energy experts are paying attention.