xavier becerra

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two men on a roof installing solar panels
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nuclear plant near a lake
HHS budget retreats on climate funding

HHS budget retreats on climate funding

The fiscal 2023 funding request does not include the $100 million boost to climate research at the National Institutes of Health that the Biden.

Vacancies in top health and science jobs may threaten Biden's agenda

Vacancies in top health and science jobs may threaten Biden's agenda

President Biden came into office vowing to respect science, but openings in crucial jobs could hamper progress on medical and technological research.
These flashcards will help you memorize Biden’s climate team

These flashcards will help you memorize Biden’s climate team

An illustrated guide to Biden's "climate Cabinet."
pollution epa toxics

15 states sue EPA over decision not to tighten pollution standard for smog

Fifteen states and two cities have sued the Environmental Protection Agency for declining to tighten air quality standards for ozone pollution, the main ingredient in smog.

Xavier Becerra: Will Biden health nominee prescribe a better climate?

Xavier Becerra: Will Biden health nominee prescribe a better climate?

The pandemic will be Becerra's first order of business, but there is a lot the health department nominee could do on climate change — and his record indicates he just might do it.

environmental justice xavier becerra

Xavier Becerra brings environmental justice to forefront

Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s choice to run the Department of Health and Human Services is the first state attorney general to create an environmental justice bureau.
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States sue to block Trump from weakening fuel economy rules

States sue to block Trump from weakening fuel economy rules

At stake in the lawsuit is the single biggest effort by the United States to fight the climate crisis.