Autumn Spanne

wildfire spraying

Estamos vertiendo montones de productos químicos retardantes para combatir los incendios forestales. ¿Qué significa esto para la vida silvestre?

A medida que los incendios forestales del oeste se hacen más grandes e intensos, las agencias estatales y federales de lucha contra el fuego utilizan cada vez más retardantes aéreos, lo que suscita la preocupación por la muerte de peces, la vida acuática y la calidad del agua.

Cuando el incendio de Caldor se dirigió hacia el lago Tahoe azotado por la sequía en los últimos días de agosto, los bomberos se enfrentaron a un escenario aleccionador: los fuertes vientos aumentaron desde el suroeste, empujando el fuego hacia áreas pobladas y provocando que decenas de miles de personas huyeran.

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wildfire retardant

We’re dumping loads of retardant chemicals to fight wildfires. What does it mean for wildlife?

As the Caldor Fire roared toward drought-stricken Lake Tahoe in the last days of August, firefighters faced a sobering scenario: Strong winds increased from the southwest, pushing the fire toward populated areas and prompting tens of thousands to flee.

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How eco-friendly communes could change the future of housing.
ReGen Villages
Good News

How eco-friendly communes could change the future of housing.

When a massive wildfire destroyed more than a thousand homes last year in the bone-dry hills of drought-stricken Lake County, California, about two hours north of San Francisco, Magdalena Valderrama Hurwitz and her husband Eliot were among those made homeless. Eager to transform their tragedy into an opportunity, they got together with a group of neighbors who had also lost their homes and began imagining a different kind of community.

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From our Newsroom
extreme heat

Op-ed: Ripe for disaster declarations — heat, wildfire smoke and death data

Currently, the federal data on extreme heat and wildfire smoke itself constitutes a major disaster.

pennsylvania fracking

Living near oil and gas operations linked to worse mental health in people hoping to become pregnant

“If we’re concerned about healthy pregnancies, focusing on the period before pregnancy may be even more important.”

climate change flooding

Op-ed: The climate crisis demands a move away from car dependency

Power shutoffs or wildfire evacuations can be deadly for disabled people, especially nondrivers who may not have a way to get to a cooling center or evacuation point.

joe biden

Biden administration unveils plan to wean US government off single-use plastics

“Because of its purchasing power … the Federal Government has the potential to significantly impact the supply of these products.”

chemical recycling

Chemical recycling has an economic and environmental injustice problem: Report

“It wouldn’t even make a dent in the amount of plastic pollution out there.”

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