Nate Hagens

Coronavirus response
New York National Guard Soldiers hand groceries to members of the community last week. (Credit: The National Guard)
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Nate Hagens: Coronavirus exposes economic, cultural, environmental fallacies

Big-picture thinker Nate Hagens on the opportunities and constraints we face confronting coronavirus. His advice: Find your better self and play a role.

The novel coronavirus has laid bare many societal problems that have accreted over previous decades: chasms of inequality, the use of virtual debt to paper over physical world problems, ecological ignorance, addiction, obesity, fragile supply chains, fractured political governance, all in service of the growth.

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VIDEO: Energy, money and technology – From the lens of the superorganism

VIDEO: Energy, money and technology – From the lens of the superorganism

During Nate Hagens' #WEP2018 keynote, he discussed how all of our lives will be influenced by how we react to the coming era of harder to extract and more costly fossil fuels that will be combined with cleaner but less concentrated energy types.


Commentary: The speech you didn’t hear at the US political conventions.

The amount of interesting and scary stuff going on in the world right now is overwhelming. It’s hard to make sense of what’s really happening and what to do, especially when everyone you meet pretty much has a different take and different assumptions.  This short essay is to highlight how different messages to different demographics are probably going to be necessary to affect positive change.

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Living near oil and gas operations linked to worse mental health in people hoping to become pregnant

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Chemical recycling has an economic and environmental injustice problem: Report

“It wouldn’t even make a dent in the amount of plastic pollution out there.”

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30 environmental advocacy groups ask PA governor to veto carbon capture bill

“Putting resources toward carbon capture and storage instead of renewable energy is wasting time we don’t have.”

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