Unalaska tribe gets federal money for geothermal project to source energy from active volcano
LISTEN: Alaska research on wildfire smoke's impact on health paints clearer picture
While it might seem obvious that wildfire smoke causes health impacts, there had actually never been a nuanced, scientific look at those impacts.
Proposed utility changes could pave the way for electric car corridor from Homer to Fairbanks
Pink salmon could prosper in warmer Arctic, new study finds
Scientists like to say that climate change is creating winners and losers in Alaska: Some species will struggle, while others could benefit from warmer habitats.
A glacial dam near Juneau could burst any time
Scientists, emergency managers and Juneau residents are bracing for an event at the Mendenhall Glacier that could flood a nearby lake and river again. The now-yearly phenomenon is caused by climate change.
Alaska's top environmental watchdog: state is tackling global warming, but 'it's not an emergency'
Earlier this year, not long after being sworn in, Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy disbanded the state's climate change response team. And his administration now lacks a coordinated group or policy that guides the government's response to climate change threats.