climate delayers

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Reformed climate deniers don’t deserve redemption

Reformed climate deniers don’t deserve redemption

Democrats are seeking advice from people who once opposed action on global warming. They should be seeking accountability.
Ross Spano complains that climate deniers like him are unfairly labeled as ‘idiots’

Ross Spano complains that climate deniers like him are unfairly labeled as ‘idiots’

In TV interview the congressman says he and his fellow climate skeptics are treated unfairly.

The seductive stupidity of Andrew Wheeler

The seductive stupidity of Andrew Wheeler

The EPA chief's latest argument against fighting climate change is astonishingly foolish—but it's exactly what most of us want to hear.
Coal companies join with Rick Perry to derail Trump nominee

Coal companies join with Rick Perry to derail Trump nominee

David Hill, a former Energy Department counsel, had criticized the Trump administration's push to offer financial help to coal power plants.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is coming for your hamburgers!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is coming for your hamburgers!

The far right portrays the Green New Deal as a Stalinist nightmare, but it’s to Ocasio-Cortez’s credit that, in such a short time, she has helped change the terms of the climate debate.