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Two scientists in lab coats look at a computer screen displaying a colorful image from a molecular microscope.
A group of young, diverse scientists work in a laboratory.
Fire department personnel wearing protective gear walk along a street with the burned rubble of former homes.
Looking down on a city in the desert with mountains in the background.
Researchers propose new method to improve corporate climate accountability

Researchers propose new method to improve corporate climate accountability

New research suggests that tracking companies' influence on policies and conservation efforts could provide a more comprehensive view of their contributions to global net-zero goals.

Joseph Winters reports for Grist.

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Poll shows strong voter support for suing oil companies over climate impact

Poll shows strong voter support for suing oil companies over climate impact

A majority of US voters favor litigation against oil companies for their role in the climate crisis, with nearly half supporting criminal charges.

Dharna Noor reports for The Guardian.

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Inter-American court reviews corporate roles in climate change crises

Inter-American court reviews corporate roles in climate change crises

A pivotal hearing at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights examines whether businesses can be held legally accountable for climate change impacts on human rights.

Isabella Kaminski reports for DeSmog.

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SEC revises climate disclosure regulation amid corporate resistance

SEC revises climate disclosure regulation amid corporate resistance

The SEC has adjusted its climate disclosure requirements, easing mandates on emissions reporting following corporate objections.

Suman Naishadham reports for the Associated Press.

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climate profits energy pollution

The true cost of climate pollution? 44% of corporate profits

What if companies had to pay for the problems their carbon emissions cause? Their profits would plunge, according to new estimates, possibly wiping out trillions in financial gains.

california climate emissions

CA may force companies to disclose climate impacts

Cal Matters writer Alejandro Lazo reports on groundbreaking legislation in California that would require large corporations to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and report the financial risks they face from climate change.

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corporate climate initiatives
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How are corporations doing on carbon emission pledges?

Studies have suggested that corporate climate initiatives have the potential to bring about emissions cuts in addition to those set out in national goals. But few studies have evaluated how those initiatives are doing in practice.