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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Biden announces $1.7 billion to support US EV factories
Tribes and conservationists work to save spearfishing from climate change
marine carbon dioxide climate
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

The science we need to assess marine carbon dioxide removal

As companies begin selling credits for marine carbon dioxide removal in largely unregulated marketplaces, scientists must develop standards for assessing the effectiveness of removal methods.
farm emissions climate causes meat
Photo by Keriliwi on Unsplash

Food production could add 1°C of global warming by 2100

A new study teases apart greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, showing how the food we eat heats up the world.
America’s Most Endangered Rivers water pollution climate

Ten rivers facing pollution, development, and climate change—and policies that can help

An annual report highlights 10 waterways that have arrived at forks: where public support could determine whether they receive protection.
El Yunque National Forest geophysics

Envisioning a near-surface geophysics center for convergent science

Earth’s near-surface environment, which extends from the ground surface to a depth of several kilometers, is but a small fraction of the planet. Yet its importance cannot be overstated for all of us who call it home.

estuaries climate water biodiversity

A turning point for estuaries worldwide

As estuarine barriers are built in response to sea level rise, flooding, and salinization, more research is needed to better understand their implications for human activities and ecosystems.
palorinya refugee settlement trees biodiversity

Refugees are replanting trees in Northern Uganda

In the Palorinya Refugee Settlement, efforts to reduce deforestation and increase tree coverage help the ecosystem and improve refugees’ quality of life.
climate impacts wildfires weather

Extreme wildfires make their own weather

Smoke from particularly large blazes can change local weather, making fires even worse. This could be bad news for fire-prone regions experiencing more frequent fires due to climate change.