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U.S. Steel Pennsylvania pollution
Protest sign that says Keep the frack out of my water
ANWR energy development debate
Degrowth's challenge lies in overcoming political and global resistance
climate politics uk diplomacy
Photo by Sean Robbins on Unsplash

UK accused of ‘backward step’ for axing top climate diplomat role

The UK government has axed its most senior climate diplomat post. The last special representative for climate change, Nick Bridge, stood down recently after six years in post and is not being replaced.

al gore climate politics
Photo by Craig McKay on Unsplash

Al Gore: China could surprise the world at Glasgow climate talks

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is hopeful China and the United States will set aside their differences at U.N. climate change talks in Glasgow, just as they came together in 2015 to help hammer out the Paris Agreement.
g7 climate politics pandemic
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Analysis-G7 brightens outlook for new nature pact but pandemic threatens deadline

New pledges by G7 leaders on climate change and biodiversity loss will boost efforts to strike a global pact to protect nature but an October deadline is likely to be missed without in-person talks, officials and observers say.

trump nato climate impacts military
Photo by Todd Diemer on Unsplash

With Trump gone, NATO wages war on climate threat

If the U.S. military were a nation state, it would be the world's 47th largest emitter of planet-warming greenhouse gases, a 2019 study found.
global warming india climate politics kerry
Photo by Ankit Gupta on Unsplash

U.S. climate envoy Kerry says India is "getting job done" on climate

U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry praised India as a world leader in renewables as he began talks with government leaders aimed at cutting carbon emissions faster to slow global warming.
yellen treasury climate politics
Photo by Chronis Yan on Unsplash

U.S. Treasury's Yellen vows to work with international climate finance ministers group

The U.S. government under President Joe Biden is working closely with the international community to tackle climate change, increase the scale of climate finance and leverage additional private investment, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says.