fossil fuels

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pennsylvania fracking
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Monday breaks record for hottest day ever recorded
Landslides in Ethiopia claim 229 lives
Trump's push for fossil fuels could clash with Europe's green transition

Trump's push for fossil fuels could clash with Europe's green transition

As the U.S. boosts fossil fuel deals under Trump and Biden, Europe's shift to renewables risks reducing demand for American gas.

Gabriel Gavin and Ben Lefebvre report for POLITICO.

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Azerbaijan seeks contributions from fossil fuel producers for new climate fund

Azerbaijan seeks contributions from fossil fuel producers for new climate fund

Azerbaijan, hosting the Cop29 summit in November, is asking fossil fuel-producing countries and companies to fund a new initiative to help poorer nations combat climate change.

Fiona Harvey reports for The Guardian.

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Automakers and oil industry face off over electric vehicles

Automakers and oil industry face off over electric vehicles

The battle between the auto and oil industries intensifies as the Biden administration pushes for cleaner vehicle standards, with automakers leaning toward electric vehicles while the oil industry resists change.

Marianne Lavelle reports for Inside Climate News.

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joe biden
Credit: The White House

Biden administration unveils plan to wean US government off single-use plastics

“Because of its purchasing power … the Federal Government has the potential to significantly impact the supply of these products.”

The U.S. government will stop using single-use plastics in all federal operations by 2035, according to a strategy released by the Biden administration on Friday.

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TVA faces pressure for greener and more transparent operations

TVA faces pressure for greener and more transparent operations

The Tennessee Valley Authority faces community backlash and legislative scrutiny over plans for a new gas power plant and its slow adoption of renewable energy.

Robert Zullo reports for News From The States.

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Decades-old oil industry magazine predicted climate crisis, starvation
Credit: Couleur/Pixabay

Decades-old oil industry magazine predicted climate crisis, starvation

In 1977, a publication by a predecessor of Marathon Petroleum warned that rising global temperatures could cause severe economic and social disruptions, including widespread starvation.

Geoff Dembicki reports for The Guardian.

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Trump blames Biden for high electricity prices to gain political edge

Trump blames Biden for high electricity prices to gain political edge

Former President Donald Trump criticizes President Joe Biden for rising electricity costs, leveraging it as a campaign issue.

Brian Dabbs and Jeffrey Tomich report for E&E News.

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