global warming

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pennsylvania fracking
Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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GOP convention ignores climate change as heat crisis worsens

GOP convention ignores climate change as heat crisis worsens

Despite record-breaking heat and public concern over climate change, the Republican National Convention focuses on expanding fossil fuel use, dismissing climate science.

Lisa Friedman reports for The New York Times.

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Tourists are more vulnerable to extreme heat than locals
Credit: Enrique/Pixabay

Tourists are more vulnerable to extreme heat than locals

Tourists are at greater risk of heat-related illnesses than locals when visiting hot destinations during heat waves, experts warn.

Kiley Price reports for Inside Climate News.

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Earth stays above 1.5°C warming for a year

Earth stays above 1.5°C warming for a year

Earth's average temperature remained 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for a full year, signaling ongoing and severe climate shifts.

Bob Berwyn reports for Inside Climate News.

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ice cores & melting glaciers
Credit: DRI Science/Flickr

Scientists rush to save historical data locked in melting glaciers

As glaciers worldwide melt, scientists are scrambling to retrieve vital ice cores that hold historical climate records before they are lost forever.

Nicola Jones reports for Yale Environment 360.

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Texas weather extremes becoming increasingly common

Texas weather extremes becoming increasingly common

Extreme weather in Texas, including wildfires, thunderstorms and flooding, is intensifying due to climate change, according to scientists.

Alejandra Martinez and Yuriko Schumacher report for The Texas Tribune.

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New emissions regulations may worsen global warming

New emissions regulations may worsen global warming

While cutting fossil fuel emissions has reduced deadly air pollution, it has also eliminated particles that cool the planet, potentially accelerating global warming.

Shannon Osaka reports for The Washington Post.

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Wealthy backers undeterred by failed geoengineering test
Credit: Hans/Pixabay

Wealthy backers undeterred by failed geoengineering test

Despite a failed attempt to block sunlight, wealthy donors plan to continue funding solar geoengineering research to combat global warming.

Corbin Hiar and Blanca Begert report for POLITICO.

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