gray whales

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Gray whales face a tough road ahead after a significant die-off

Gray whales face a tough road ahead after a significant die-off

A recent study suggests the dramatic increase in gray whale deaths along the Pacific Coast over the last six years may be due to a critical shortage of food in their Arctic feeding grounds.

Susanne Rust reports for Los Angeles Times.

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Gray whales changing migration patterns

Gray whales feeding off Oregon Coast found to have smaller bodies, tails, skulls

Gray whales that have confounded scientists by stopping their summer migration off the Oregon coast might be adapting to shallow waters.
Something is killing gray whales

Something is killing gray whales. Is it a sign of oceans in peril?

A leviathan die-off has alarmed legions of whale watchers and perplexed scientists up and down the western coast of North America for the past 2½ years.

mass gray whale deaths

Necropsies unveil more about mass gray whale deaths

Hundreds of gray whales in the eastern Pacific Ocean have died since last year, and scientists are beginning to understand why.

A gray whale washed ashore in Alaska may hold clues to this year's deadly migration

A gray whale washed ashore in Alaska may hold clues to this year's deadly migration

Many of the gray whales found dead this year along the West Coast have suffered from malnutrition. Researchers are rushing to find the cause.
Climate change may be causing gray whales to starve to death along the California Coast

Climate change may be causing gray whales to starve to death along the California Coast

A shrinking Arctic ice cap may be causing gray whales to starve along their long migration between Mexico and Alaska.