gulf of mexico

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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offshore oil spill
Photo by Maël BALLAND on Unsplash

More than 1 million gallons of oil leaks into Gulf of Mexico, potentially putting endangered species at risk

Officials have yet to find the source of the oil spill, which has left chunky globules and long slicks near a 67-mile-long pipeline system off the coast of Louisiana.
offshore oil rig
Image by Keri Jackson from Pixabay

A coming oil crash? Offshore permits hit 19-year low under Biden

The Biden administration has green-lighted a record low number of new offshore oil wells, a data point that could inflame the already fierce debate over President Joe Biden’s throttling of the aging offshore oil sector in the Gulf of Mexico.

saltwater intrusion mississippi river

A saltwater wedge climbing the Mississippi River threatens drinking water

A saltwater wedge is making its way up the drought-stricken Mississippi River, threatening drinking water for parts of southern Louisiana. It could travel north to New Orleans.
deepwater horizon disaster biden safety

Biden revived rules designed to prevent another Deepwater Horizon disaster

After the 2010 oil spill, the government enacted new safety regulations. President Donald J. Trump weakened them; President Biden has restored them.
mexico water desalination
Photo by Tim Engle on Unsplash

Arizona, low on water, weighs taking it from the sea. In Mexico

A $5 billion plan to desalinate seawater in Mexico and pipe it to Phoenix is testing the notion that desert cities can keep growing as the Earth warms.
dead fish texas beach
Image by simon_ramone from Pixabay

Dead fish are popping up along beaches on the Texas Gulf Coast, officials say. Here's why

This week, Texas beachgoers along the Gulf Coast may have observed a startling sight along the coastlines: possibly thousands of dead fish washed up on the sand.