habitat loss

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
Hurricane Beryl Cat 5 destruction
Coral reefs that protect Caribbean islands from hurricanes are rapidly declining
Migratory species face global decline
Credit: Victoria Pickering/Flickr

Migratory species face a global decline, UN warns

Nearly half of the world's migratory animals are declining, with many at risk of extinction, highlighting the urgent need for global conservation efforts.

Christina Larson reports for The Associated Press.

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Image by Andrea Bohl from Pixabay

Some U.S. wolverines to be protected by Endangered Species Act

Officials will add the predators, threatened by climate change and habitat loss in much of the United States, to the Endangered Species List.
wild turkey
Photo by Ash Farz on Unsplash

Wild turkeys are disappearing, and Thanksgiving has nothing to do with it

Wild turkeys are on the decline nationwide. Scientists are exploring a few possible causes — Including habitat loss, hunting, disease and climate change.
Farmers turn to artificial pollination

Farmers turn to tech as bees struggle to pollinate

With bee populations struggling, mechanical pollination may be increasingly needed as a back-up.
counting bumblebees pollinator protections
Photo by Stacie Clark on Unsplash

To protect wild bumblebees, people have to find them first

For six years, hundreds of volunteers have counted bumblebees across the Northwest. Their data is shaping pollinator conservation nationwide.
Hydropower in the Pan Amazon

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: Belo Monte and the Río Xingu

In spite of its design to minimize upstream impacts, the dam has drastically curtailed the extent, duration and timing of annual floods in the seasonally inundated forests below the dam.

bees pollinators butterflies farming california

Bees, butterflies and other county pollinators getting millions in support

Because of the impacts of climate change, habitat loss, disease and the use of pesticides, the number of pollinators that make so many fruits and vegetables possible are on the decline.