iran drought

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Image by mostafa meraji from Pixabay

Iran could burn up in 30 years — and not from a nuclear meltdown

According to the Middle East Institute, some 70% of all Iranians might need to leave the country to survive by 2050.
iran climate drought

Drought in Iran leaves some chasing the last drops of water

Summer has come to Sistan and Baluchistan province, an impoverished fragment of chapped earth and shimmering heat in Iran’s southeast corner, and all people there can talk about is how to get water.

iran drought climate impacts water

More drought predicted for Iran over next 5 years

According to the World Meteorological Organization's multiannual forecast, in the next five years, Iran's average rainfall will decline by 75 percent, and the temperature rises by 50-75 percent compared to the long-term average.