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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Highway 1 faces uncertain future as climate change impacts Big Sur

Highway 1 faces uncertain future as climate change impacts Big Sur

Climate change is jeopardizing the future of Big Sur’s iconic Highway 1, causing frequent landslides and threatening the local economy dependent on tourism.

Emily Witt reports for The New Yorker.

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California's Highway 1 faces increasing threats
Credit: Uwe/Pixabay

California's Highway 1 faces increasing threats

Big Sur's scenic Highway 1 is under constant threat from landslides and erosion, exacerbated by climate change.

Melina Mara, Scott Dance, and Brianna Sacks report for The Washington Post.

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Climate change alters life at Amazon's edge

Climate change alters life at Amazon's edge

In Brazil's Bailique Archipelago, rising ocean levels and river changes disrupt local life.

Rodrigo Pedroso and Rudja Santos report for Mongabay.

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environmental climate crisis India

Climate change in India: A growing environmental crisis

As torrential rains cause flash floods and landslides in India, the country grapples with an environmental crisis. The heavy rain comes after an unbearable heat wave. Murali Krishnan writes from New Delhi for Deutsche Welle (DW).
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environmental climate crisis India

Climate change in India: A growing environmental crisis

As torrential rains cause flash floods and landslides in India, the country grapples with an environmental crisis. The heavy rain comes after an unbearable heat wave.
Rainfall extremes increasingly threaten mountain regions

Rainfall extremes increasingly threaten mountain regions and areas downstream from them

A new study suggests the threat of flooding rains, landslides and erosion has been underestimated, especially in high-elevation and snow-dominated regions.

climate change reshapes California coast
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California’s cliffs are crumbling as climate change reshapes the coast

Planners always knew choices would have to be made whether to keep building along the edge of the Pacific. They just didn't think it would happen so quickly.