plastics recycling

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global plastics negotiations
Credit: Ekō/Ben Powless | Survival Media Agency/Flickr

Plastic industry pushes for recycling as a solution to pollution crisis

The petrochemical industry claims to support a global treaty to curb plastic pollution but emphasizes recycling over production caps.

Joseph Winters reports for Grist.

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ExxonMobil Baytown petrochemicals

The missing equations at ExxonMobil’s advanced recycling operation

The petrochemical giant promotes its new Baytown facility near Houston as a model for solving the world’s glut of used plastic. But Exxon Mobil won’t say how much goes into making new plastic—or ends up burned as climate-warming fuel.

plastics recycling symbols misleading
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

‘Chasing arrows’ recycling symbol is misleading on plastics, E.P.A. says

The agency wants to stop using the “chasing arrows” logo on plastics that can’t be recycled. The man who designed it more than 50 years ago agrees that the symbol has been misused.
UN plastic treaty talks 2023
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On the eve of plastics treaty talks, a youth advocate from Ghana speaks out: ‘we need urgent action’

United Nations delegates gathering for a second negotiating session stake out their positions as environmental groups, businesses and scientists seek to influence the outcome of plastic treaty talks.

FTC to address industry greenwashing
IAEA Imagebank/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

‘A sea of misinformation’: FTC to address industry greenwashing complaints

As consumers turn to renewable and recyclable products, protests over industry’s use of misleading terms have proliferated.

Is ‘chemical recycling’ a solution to the global scourge of plastic waste or an environmentally dirty ruse to keep production high?

Is ‘chemical recycling’ a solution to the global scourge of plastic waste or an environmentally dirty ruse to keep production high?

Diplomats negotiating guidelines for an international convention on hazardous wastes this month in Switzerland debated a new section on the “chemical recycling” of plastic debris fouling the global environment.  The 1989 Basel Convention, which seeks to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects of hazardous wastes, was updated in 2019 when 187 […]