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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way
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Landslides in Ethiopia claim 229 lives
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People should take wildfire smoke more seriously

People should take wildfire smoke more seriously

Research shows wildfire smoke is a major health hazard, but many Americans continue to disregard the risks.

Zoë Schlanger reports for The Atlantic.

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Arizona GOP and commerce leaders contest EPA's stricter pollution standards

Arizona GOP and commerce leaders contest EPA's stricter pollution standards

Arizona Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce are suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over its latest pollution control measures, calling them unrealistic and economically harmful.

Gloria Rebecca Gomez reports for the News From The States.

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A global breath of concern: most nations fail WHO air quality standards

A global breath of concern: most nations fail WHO air quality standards

Fewer than 10% of countries met the World Health Organization's air quality guidelines last year, spotlighting a pervasive health threat.

Delger Erdenesanaa reports for The New York Times.

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EU updates air pollution limits
Credit: Storm Crypt/Flickr

EU updates air pollution limits, yet falls short of optimal health standards

The European Union has revised its air pollution regulations, setting stricter limits on harmful pollutants, although these new standards still don't meet the World Health Organization's recommended levels.

Ajit Niranjan reports for The Guardian.

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tar sands oilseeds air pollution
Credit: Jason Woodhead/Flickr

Canada’s tar sands are a much larger source of air pollution than previously thought, study says

The research, published in Science, found the oil operations are releasing vast quantities of compounds that can cause localized air pollution and form damaging particles that can travel across the continent.
coal power plant
Photo by Sam LaRussa on Unsplash

Deaths from coal pollution have dropped, but emissions may be twice as deadly

Deaths linked to coal exhaust have dropped but coal exhaust is twice is likely to contribute to deaths as other air pollution, a new study found.
Lawn equipment spews air pollution

Report: Lawn equipment spews ‘shocking’ amount of air pollution

“Really inefficient engine technology is pound for pound more polluting than cars and trucks.”