Impacts (Community Water Justice/Facebook) Amid climate concerns, bill would curb Poland Spring's long-term water extraction deals “We just have to hit pause, because once these contracts are signed, they [can be] 40 years,” Rep. Maggie O’Neil said. “That’s a whole generation.”
Newsletter (Community Water Justice/Facebook) Amid climate concerns, bill would curb Poland Spring's long-term water extraction deals “We just have to hit pause, because once these contracts are signed, they [can be] 40 years,” Rep. Maggie O’Neil said. “That’s a whole generation.” Nestlé weights sale of water unit in push toward sustainability Facing tepid sales and criticism from environmental groups, the Swiss food giant is looking to exit brands like Poland Spring and Deer Park.
As Biden prepares to block the sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel, pollution concerns persist in Pennsylvania
A Pennsylvania fracking company with more than 2,000 environmental violations selected for federal environmental justice funding