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A man and woman in suits shake hands with flags of the United States, USAID and the Environmental Protection. Agency in the background.
California condor with a numbered wing band soaring against a cloud-streaked sky.
A diverse group of protesters holding signs in support of science stand at a barricade.
A Sámi woman in a fur hat feeds a reindeer from a bucket against a snowy mountain backdrop.
puffin climate change
Credit: Derrick Z. Jackson

Care for endangered seabirds continues amid a 51-year legacy of optimism

“There is this idea of healing the Earth ... perhaps there’s something about this project that captured that."

Steve Kress’s smile lit up the dusk as research assistants at least 50 years younger than him regaled him with tales of their vigilance to save tern chicks on Stratton Island, Maine.

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seabirds biodiversity climate

Protecting seabirds will provide broad benefits

A recent study found that populations of tufted puffin, one of Washington’s most charismatic but endangered seabirds, are declining across 75 percent of their range in North America.
puffin climate nests biodiversity

Puffin nesting sites in western Europe could be lost by end of century

The majority of puffin nesting sites in western Europe are likely to be lost by the end of the century due to climate breakdown, a report has warned.

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Solving the climate crisis will help both ‘sacrifice zones’ and ‘cute’ puffins
Credit: Derrick Z. Jackson

Solving the climate crisis will help both ‘sacrifice zones’ and ‘cute’ puffins

Curbing pollution for families in Chicago calms the climatic conditions that drive fish away from puffins half a continent away.

When I tell bird-loving audiences what puffins mean to me, I start with the expected.

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puffin tern recovery climate change
Credit: Derrick Z. Jackson

Good news: A good year for puffins and terns, despite climate change

A visit to a remote Maine island finds puffins and terns rebounding despite climate change

The title of supervisory wildlife biologist for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service does little justice to Linda Welch (pictured above). In practice, she is the housing and unusual development secretary for seabirds on Maine’s Petit Manan Island.

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climate impacts biodiversity
Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Puffins and other seabirds are dying because of climate change

I stepped onto the battlefield of climate change, sidestepping carcass after carcass. In the grass were the remains of Arctic terns, common terns, and roseate terns.

Scientists need your puffin pictures to help save the species

Scientists need your puffin pictures to help save the species

If you have taken a trip to see Scotland's puffins in recent years then you could be of vital help to scientists trying to support the threatened little seabirds.