urban heat

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Urban heat islands in the Great Lakes are endangering public health

Urban heat islands in the Great Lakes are endangering public health

Heat islands created by buildings and paved surfaces are raising temperatures and health risks in cities like Toronto and Windsor.

Lisa John Rogers reports for Great Lakes Now.

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Urgent tree planting needed in underprivileged urban areas

Urgent tree planting needed in underprivileged urban areas

A new initiative aims to improve air quality and reduce heat in urban communities of color by increasing tree canopy coverage.

Erin Vivid Riley reports for the BBC.

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Cities need more native bees

Cities need more native bees—lots and lots of them

These pollinators can help urban gardens grow. That will be critical for cooling cities as the planet warms.
Cool pavement can fight urban heat
US Air Force/Flickr

Cool pavement gets cold shoulder from Clark County

Experts question officials’ embrace of asphalt.

rising temperatures impacts climate injustice

As Toronto gets hotter, not everyone sweats equally

On the hottest days of the summer, the residents of the St. James Town highrises gather in the lobbies of their buildings. They’re the only tolerable places when temperatures rise. In walkers and wheelchairs, the elderly seek out the coolest spots.

Trees are environmental justice issue
Paul Narvaez/ Flickr

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans: Trees are environmental justice issue

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans has always appreciated the city's trees and says that more tree planting will pay dividends in the future.