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Warming waters in Europe pose significant health risks, says EU agency

Warming waters in Europe pose significant health risks, says EU agency

A report by the European Environment Agency warns of health hazards from emerging waterborne diseases and pollution due to climate change.

Leonie Cater reports for POLITICO

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North Atlantic's record heat waves may fuel an intense hurricane season

North Atlantic's record heat waves may fuel an intense hurricane season

A marine heat wave in the North Atlantic has set daily temperature records for over a year, raising concerns about its potential to drive an unusually severe hurricane season.

Chelsea Harvey reports for E&E News.

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Scientists predict severe climate impacts as global warming targets are missed. How do they face the future?

Scientists predict severe climate impacts as global warming targets are missed. How do they face the future?

Amid growing global temperatures, scientists fear devastating future impacts, but emphasize that the fight against climate change cannot be abandoned.

Damian Carrington reports for The Guardian.

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Ocean temperatures hit record levels, impacting marine life
Credit: Pexels/Pixabay

Ocean temperatures hit record levels, impacting marine life

The world's oceans have set daily temperature records throughout the past year due to climate change.

Matt McGrath, Mark Poynting, and Justin Rowlatt report for BBC News.

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Virginia's aquatic life faces changes due to warming waters

Virginia's aquatic life faces changes due to warming waters

Rising water temperatures across Virginia are altering the aquatic ecosystem, impacting species from the Chesapeake Bay to inland rivers.

Evan Visconti reports for the Virginia Mercury.

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Ocean temperatures continue to set daily records
Credit: Pexels/Pixabay

Ocean temperatures continue to set daily records

Record-breaking ocean temperatures are prompting scientists to explore underlying causes and potential impacts.

Delger Erdenesanaa reports for The New York Times.

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Sun's rays deflection test marks a climate change mitigation milestone

Sun's rays deflection test marks a climate change mitigation milestone

Scientists conducted the first outdoor test in the U.S. of a technology aimed at brightening clouds to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.

Christopher Flavelle reports for The New York Times.

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